The Best Playdough Recipe

By 21:17

Playdough (aka Play-doh) is easy to make at home, and fun for kids of all ages.

Here's how to make your own non-toxic toy with custom colors and fragrances.


 2 cups of flour

1 cup of salt

4 tablespoons of cream of tartar

3 tablespoons of cooking oil (olive or sunflower - avoid nut-based oils do so for other children)

2 cups of boiling water

2 capsules of food coloring (more for a vibrant color)


The Best Playdough Recipe

Sift flour, salt and cream of tartar in a mixing bowl (sprinkle with glitter if using).
Mix the oil stain, water and food (and flavor if using), then pour into the dry ingredients.
Mix with a spoon until it forms a dough then knead for a few minutes until it becomes soft and malleable.

Gives a nice big ball, just larger than your hand.Keeps for months in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Just add kids!


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